Put your Aura at Ease
Geopathic Stress Neutralizer & Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Harmonizer
“Everything in this World interacts in the form of Energies. When Energies and the knowledge of Science are used in combination, the result of this blend is harmonious and wholesome. Just as inner psychology creates our outer landscape, so does the outer landscape manifest in our inner psychology. The Earth energies provide the sensitive soul, with an ability to align themselves with the environment to stay in harmony with nature. Telluric energies (Earth Energies), can also be used as an information system, which can reveal the negative influences on home, workplace, health, relationships, and self-actualization. Our experience in life cannot be isolated from the language of our environment. Where we are, is as important as who we are.”
Geopathic Stress
The Earth contains vibrational energies that can be good, bad or neutral. The term Geopathic Stress (harmful Earth rays), is used to describe the distorted or negative energies / radiations that emanate from the earth which may cause ill health in living beings. The negative energies or radiations emitted from under the Earth's surface, has shown to disturb the structural and functional composition of live cells within living organisms (humans, animals, plants, etc).
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) is a wave of energy (quanta/photons) of the electromagnetic field, travelling through space, transmitting electromagnetic radiant energy. Some forms of this disturbed energy may surround us through various forms, such as radio waves, ultraviolet, gamma rays, x-rays, infrared, microwaves, visible light,
Electro-smog is the invisible electromagnetic radiation generated by most electrical appliances, electrical cables, transformers, hair dryers, electrical shavers, microwaves, mobile towers, cordless telephones and mobile phones, wi-fi routers, smart meters, electric storage radiators (heaters), electric stove, microwave ovens and electric blankets.